As a picture is worth a thousand words I let you discover yourself >>Nathalie called me up this week to ask "Are you ready to be a wedding model?" I thought; "Stop joking Nathalie". Off we were to Interlaken, with our friend and wedding photographer Colette, for a promo video shooting with celebrity photojournalist Bob & Dawn Davis. Bob & Dawn Davis Photography and Design specializes in wedding photojournalism. They are based in Chicago and travel worldwide. Anton Lorimer, 2007 Videographer of the Year, completed the professional team to get started with the engagement session before the wedding shooting.
Picture Albums on Facebook:
From Daniel: Colette:!/album.php?aid=210046&id=683415900
These pictures give you only a glimpse of what you can expect from the promo video shooting coming shortly.
Check out the following links to find out more:
Bob & Dawn Davis: Celebrity PhotojournalistsAnton Lorimer: Videographer of the Year 2007Daniel Zihlmann: International Wedding & Portrait PhotographerColette Anderes was our wedding photographer
Nathalie & Claude Mariage civil (Civil wedding)
Mariage religieux: (Religious wedding)Rosi Büchel: Make up artist from Schaffhausen.
Nath & Claude